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Do you like Black???


Active Member
Apr 18, 2010
2006 Coupe, 2003 AE
If so..... Visit this site...

EDIT: Sorry Gary, we cannot have http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/-awesome-all-black-corvette-collection.html
- Mod (BTW, nobody gets banned. I know I am being a pain in the butt but I have to respect the rules. I am sorry and Gary you know I mean it.) So I leeched it for you to add to this thread.

One row of mid years

'66 tanker no heat no radio

'67 435

c1's on the other side

'65 matching pair of 396's

overall shot of just one of the garages

'54 orignal black car

'57 fuelie

'63 split fuel car

'55 through '59 in row 1, 409's in row 2

'69 Camaro's 1 is a Z28 w/cross ram and teh other is a SS396

Bikes too!

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