Toledo is where the C7's that are being loaded to rail go, so if your area is a designated rail delivery than it is likely they go there for loading and distribution. One of the Vancouver buyers mentioned his went thru Toledo before coming by rail to his local dealer. He had his OnStar activated thru his dealer and could track the vehicle. He was ticked because it sat for a number of days at the rail yards in Vancouver before it finally got unloaded and brought to the dealer.
Windsor has a rail yard and AutoHaulaway location side by side but the only 'Vettes I know that have gone there have been to be be off loaded from one truck to another. They come from BG to Windsor on one truck than go on to another for delivery to the dealership, usually with a mixed load of other vehicles destined for that same dealer or dealers that are in close proximity. The Chrysler Mini Van plant uses both the rail loading facilities and AutoHaulaway in Windsor for their vehicles but not sure anyone else does.