Deal reached to end GM Strike


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Power User
Jan 11, 2009
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Looks like a tentative deal has been reached with UAW to end the GM strike. Still has to be approved but picture looking better that production may resume shortly.
Canadian plants shut down due to strike in the states. Next year GM will say productivity at their Canadian plants at an all time low, must close. :Banghead:

Sorry this is a company I really do not like.
I worked there for 41 years and I saw the writing on the wall back in 2006. GM is looking at us in its rear view mirror, rapidly building assembly plants in China. They slightly appease the unions at strike time but the intent never changes. Until forced to stay, they will be gone. I think that it was GM who came up with the slogan, "Buy the cars your neighbour builds." It is coming back to bite them now.
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...Sorry this is a company I really do not like.

I concur. Canada gov’t threw money at them not to leave and they left anyways. No sign or getting the money back either.. 3.7 billion in gov’t loans to GM and chysler (supposedly 3 billion to GM alone) that they just walked away from (gov’t wrote it off in 2018) and the taxpayer gets to bear the brunt of.

Don’t get me wrong: I really enjoy my C4, but “F” General Motors.

I love the way the USA companies scream “socialism/communism” when they want to justify “capitalism” and things are going thier way, but always shove thier hand out to the gov’t when they “F” it up or feel even the slightest bottom line pain...
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