Jan 25, 2009
73 Corvette Coupe
So i noticed a bit of mouse poop on the car cover yesterday. I figured well lets take a look in the car to make sure. Holy crap those buggers were busy. There was a big nest in the passenger foot well and a huge stash of my dog's food in the back. They got dog food into places I didn't even know exsisted. Needless to say I was not happy. The good news (that I can tell so far) is they haven't wrecked anything. Although this might be the beginning of a restoration because I had to pull back some of the carpet to get to the dog food in the very back corner. And the entire time I was cleaning this crap out I never saw a mouse, not even in the nest, which makes me a little nervous. I put in about 100 brand new dryer sheets and a new bar of Irish Spring soap. Maybe the ones I had put in before lost there scent. Anyway, I will have to watch for the rest of the winter and decide what to do come spring.


P.S. Riley you may want to plan a gokart day so you can do a checkup on your cars :)
I'm quite sure I'll be out this week to check up on them. I was planning on bringing out some fresh mouse pouch bags to try and keep those pests away.... I don't care if they have great taste in cars, I still don't want them.
I found pellets in my garage recently and set up traps! I got 5 of the little pricks and nothing in weeks so I think I got them. Set up traps jam a peanut in the trap and put some peanut butter ontop and you will get them. Make sure you jam the peanut in there good cause if you use straight peanut butter the pricks have it down to an art where they can lick it all of without it going off! Good Luck
Hey T8, sorry to hear about your Mice issue. I had some Transmission problems ( so I thought) in our Blazer a few years ago . What happened was, the mice chewed apart the wire harrness under the hood that goes to the the computer in the Truck . They took pictures and showed me how they chewed the plastic off the wires and were building a nest.Don't mean to scare ya , but just a heads up you might want to check everywhere especially under your hood , it could become expensive , cost us near a $1,000 bucks. Good luck , go get those critters. :swear: Cheers
I hate Mice! They built a good size nest in my Buick, i cleaned it all out (it was in the trunk) but holy $%#* the smell! I spent $60 on all this product my local pest exterminmator sells to "absorb" the smell, but its still there. I can't even sit in that car without all the windows cranked open.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to rid my car of the odour?
Burn it. Burn it all!

Actually not sure but places that sell used cars should know as they have to get rid of the smell of smoke somehow so I can only assume they would know how to get rid of mouse smell as well.

those mice are devils.... I just had my snowblower in from out of the shed and it cost me 100 bucks to get the nest outta the gears. Buggers had built a nest so large, jammed her all up - it was under warranty so I didnt pull her apart myself to find out what the issue - of course no warranty for mice so the clean up cost me the $100. Then I checked my ride on mower - they had started work on that too and I caught it in time.

So I trapped and killed eight of those buggers and put out poison - you can get three boxes of it for a couple bucks at crappy tire. I have also put moth balls in the shed and garage to make sure they stay away from the vette - have used those in the past and they work very well..... happy hunting :D
Ya going to get some moth balls. I think this may bbe the beginning of a resto. I have decided to make room in the shop for spring to start disassembling the car. Don't expect this to happen fast cause time and money aren't exactly things I have too mush of. However I am going to try to do as much as possible myself.

I have a couple of those electronic / ultrasonic mouse deterrent things in my garage.
So far over the last 6 years I have had no signs of mice, my neighbors have had them but I haven't. Maybe just luck, I don't know.

I also put bounce sheets in the car, under the hood and one in each tail pipe.

I read somewhere that the mice don't like the bounce sheets and they smell allot better then moth balls.:canada:
I agree about the bounce sheets. The thing with the sheets is that they must have to be changed out every once in a while because I had sheets and mouse pouches in the Chevelle last winter and although the mice didn't make a nest in there, they did leave some droppings.
I went up and checked my car out yesterday as I'm thinking of a southern road trip this winter.I used moth balls but not a lot and no sign of mice ,bears or wolves .

My C6 has all season Michelin's and I'm thinking that Feb /March maybe San Antonio Texas and Key West Florida .
I went up and checked my car out yesterday as I'm thinking of a southern road trip this winter.I used moth balls but not a lot and no sign of mice ,bears or wolves .

My C6 has all season Michelin's and I'm thinking that Feb /March maybe San Antonio Texas and Key West Florida .

LOL, tough neighbourhood......
haha, JK, my wife lived in the north and has many a story of bears, wolves, and other vermin.

Texas and Fla should be a great trip after a long winter, just make sure you bring the sun and warmth back with you.:D

I also put bounce sheets in the car, under the hood and one in each tail pipe.

I read somewhere that the mice don't like the bounce sheets and they smell allot better then moth balls.:canada:

Ya you should see the car right now it hase a layer of bounce sheets in the entire interior. They have always worked for me in the past but I guess I just didn't change them fast enough.

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