hwcoop Member 2 You're 10 Feb 23, 2009 27 1 Airdrie VetteCoins 609 Feb 25, 2009 #1 Crane Cams closed its doors...another icon gone Drag Racing Internet Magazine - Competition Plus.com - CRANE CAMS CLOSES DOORS
Crane Cams closed its doors...another icon gone Drag Racing Internet Magazine - Competition Plus.com - CRANE CAMS CLOSES DOORS
Riley P Staff member Power User Moderator 2 You're 10 Jan 11, 2009 11,108 1,994 Saska-ba-toon! VetteCoins 15,303 Car 2000 Z51 Province SK Feb 25, 2009 #2 That is a surprise!
HLN A55 High RPM Poster 2 You're 10 Jan 27, 2009 2,033 8 Sherwood Park VetteCoins 635 Car 2001 Z06 Feb 25, 2009 #3 WOW... big name
not2melo High RPM Poster 2 You're 10 Feb 8, 2009 1,199 0 Greg in Toronto/Gtown VetteCoins 610 Car 1999 C5 Z51 Feb 26, 2009 #4 That sucks, looks like the marketplace is going to get a bit smaller over the next year or so.
taylorsk8 Power User 2 You're 10 Jan 25, 2009 1,193 392 Saskatoon VetteCoins 4,220 Car 73 Corvette Coupe Feb 26, 2009 #5 Ya then when the economy rebounds there won't be anyone to make the stuff everyone can afford and the price will go up. T
Ya then when the economy rebounds there won't be anyone to make the stuff everyone can afford and the price will go up. T