C8 vs 458 drag race video

important to note: C8 is euro spec with lower power (482hp)

My bad, that’s 482hp

Why do they lower the output in uk? The Japanese version (another right hand drive country) gets the same output as the us version, why only uk?
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My bad, that’s 482hp

Why do they lower the output in uk? The Japanese version (another right hand drive country) gets the same output as the us version, why only uk?
Pollution control?
Right hand drive is still alive only because it was always done that way so why change...lol... Originated in the horse and carriage days when the driver used the whip in his right hand and kept slapping passengers in the head on his back stroke.... "Hey... if he moves over to the right, he won't whip the people in the carriage...."... There you have it... the rest of the story... lol...
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