C8 R & T Review W.G. Race Track

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2022 C8 Z51 3LT HTC
Great review only two negatives are IMO no standard trans available and a louder exhaust is needed.
Nah! DCT is it. Porsche hardly sells any ST anymore. Put it in manual mode and use paddle shifters. Put Borla exhaust on it - may affect sport exhaust modes - don't know. C8 suppose to be all round car not a race car IMHO - OEM sounds great to me.
Time will tell but right now driving my C7 with a 7 Spd standard and 750 hp brings more of a smile to my face than the C8. Now with that being said I may just need more time behind the wheel of the C8.
Time will tell but right now driving my C7 with a 7 Spd standard and 750 hp brings more of a smile to my face than the C8. Now with that being said I may just need more time behind the wheel of the C8.
The paddle shifting has left me a little flat. Downshifting on its own? Why???
Time will tell but right now driving my C7 with a 7 Spd standard and 750 hp brings more of a smile to my face than the C8. Now with that being said I may just need more time behind the wheel of the C8.
Traffic where you live is nothing compared to Vancouver - crazy here and getting worse. I am sure you will like your C8 - enjoy the ride.
Traffic where you live is nothing compared to Vancouver - crazy here and getting worse. I am sure you will like your C8 - enjoy the ride.
You must have never driven in Toronto! lol. I'm sure Vancouver is bad, but Toronto and Montreal are likely just as bad if not worse.
The ranking from worst congestion to the least is Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver are close with Vancouver at 39% congestion and Toronto at 33% congestion. However I think he was referring to my location being Wainfleet, ON with 0% congestion as my area would require a lot less shifting with a standard than Vancouver but that doesn't bother me as I have been in congested traffic with a standard many times . It is the whole driving experience that was my point as so far for me that is not possible with a DCT.
How are the roads in Van? Montreal is potholed like you wouldn't believe. At least it was when I was there and from what I've heard it hasn't improved. Toronto's is getting terrible also.
Not bad: winters are milder here.
You must have never driven in Toronto! lol. I'm sure Vancouver is bad, but Toronto and Montreal are likely just as bad if not worse.
No way l lived in Van for 20 years the only place sadder to drive is LA ,Just think about Toronto having no Gardner Expwy or no Don Valley Pkwy because of a bunch of tree hugging idiots and you have to crawl through town.
The ranking from worst congestion to the least is Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver are close with Vancouver at 39% congestion and Toronto at 33% congestion. However I think he was referring to my location being Wainfleet, ON with 0% congestion as my area would require a lot less shifting with a standard than Vancouver but that doesn't bother me as I have been in congested traffic with a standard many times . It is the whole driving experience that was my point as so far for me that is not possible with a DCT.
Only thing that keeps my head on paddle shift is my left leg is gone from the knee down so watareyagonnado .
Only thing that keeps my head on paddle shift is my left leg is gone from the knee down so watareyagonnado .
Sorry man! Enjoy the C8. I am sitting on the fence as the 2021 are not being built yet and my dealer is telling me I have to wait a year for a convertible? Basically, he does not know? Probably order when there is a bit more clarity.
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