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So off to get my son, OBD2 in hand ready to scan if the light comes on.

Trip there OK,

10 from home the CEL light comes on.  I'm actually excited and remembered exactly the technicians words of if the CEL light comes on, don't turn the car off and connect the OBD2 when you get home and maybe it will pull the code this time.

It didn't.  But still given that they said it is not an engine code when they connected their super sophisticated code reader to the car was a huge sense of relief and now I can continue to enjoy the car without the thought of it blowing up.

So I hope!

Canola is dry and down to 2% green so I'm going to take another field off.  While I was originally going to take the car in at the end of Oct. for an oil change before storing it I might actually see if I can get the CEL resolved before that too just in case they need to order some parts or a new sensor or whatever.

Parks for trucks they stock, parts for Z06's, nope!


