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Oh boy, it's ok to carefully have a little 'fun' but those guys weren't being discreet enough -- Uggg....  present company is much more careful I'm sure.

Stunts like that are all the 'man' and judges are waiting for to set the example..... and impounding or possibly losing one's car (or rental) would certainly put an exclamation mark on that experience.

 Bottom line on the 21 y/o is that he's facing a charge -- and not a funeral(s).:)

 Damn these cars are fast -- and yes some faster than others -- the temptations are ever present aren't they.

 Manny will admit tho that they do make good cruisers too, as well as good track cars and fun machines. :D

Enjoy Garry -- and do keep us up on the CEL issue. Very interesting.

 More later -- gots to see my man Manny this morning to catch up on old times... .......

