Good morning RILEY, Colin,
No slight Riley. You are right about the acceleration though. For the longest time I struggled with choosing between a Z06 and the 436 hp Grand Sport. Big difference in price but only 8 mph less top end and not that much slower in the 1/4 mile. I'm still not sure even today why I went with the Z06. Perhaps because with the original promise I made to myself post-cancer treatment it was for a Z06 to be the reward?
I've been caught off guard bad enough twice WOT that I've hit the rev limiter twice. The acceleration is almost so hard that it is a case of hanging on for dear life and just pointing the car in the direction you want to go.
I do agree that 214 is not a fast speed for these cars but I suspect they might have been either Japanese or a Mustang or something like that. I mean it could be, in worse case scenarios, a Corvette maybe that he has stuck in 3rd gear.........
What a nice evening it sounds like you had Colin! A nice way to treat your lady, great you even brought your wife too! You're going to show her this, aren't you! Geeze just how old can you be? I'm 47 and just getting into my prime. I didn't run my 1/2 marathons until 45, didn't own a vehicle with more than 230 hp until April, I'm just hitting my stride now! Sadly I don't think that these are the types of cars younger folk can afford without either debt or a kick-ass job. I just noticed that the local Ford dealer has new 2012 Mustang Convertable's for 30K so I sort of see why the locals set that as a desirable goal for a sports car when my 2006 Z06 was still 46K.
The fog hung around for a really long time, maybe 2 in the afternoon before it finally cleared. Then the roads needed time to dry. BUt as I din't get going until after 5 I was safe and set.
Funny about Manny. I get taunted often at stoplights by people to light the tires and I just feel like telling them to spot me $50 and I'll oblige but to date no takers and still to date I've never had the strong urge to try to break traction like that, 3 times on corners yes but that was just a gas pedal tap to do that to amuse my son!
We are so very lucky in Canada. Being a net grain exporter. When ever did a Canadian ever go into a store and not have it stocked with food? I have a friend from Russia who lives in France now and the stories she tells about shortages of everything even like 10 years ago and still today are hard to imagine. But I am still careful not to be driving through any fields. They're kind of rocky and I can't imagine that being good for the balsa wood car bottom!!!!! Last year the canola stubble stems were often 3/4" in diameter, the sort of thing that could give you a tire puncture! Tractors don't have run flats yet either........
I am very cautiously optimistic about the CEL light. Need to log in the rest of my 200 km yet and I should be able to get 110 km more today. It's not done yet but many body parts are crossed and the local rabbits all have artifical limbs right now.
Funny you should actually put it in writing but having the car impounded is one of my fears as well, especially since last week when I saw the law enforment car just 1/2 mile east of where I join the pavement north of my place. I could almost take it for granted that they are never further than 3 miles west of town as the road is so infrequently travelled and that I was free to drive how I chose. Not something I can take for a certainty anymore, sadly..........