Evenin' back at ya there Garry ----- We had a wonderful time at a local restaurant called the CAmbridge Mill ..... It's quite new and came highly recommended and was a delight. Margaret really enjoyed the evening (so far
) and we can't wait to go back with friends and family (after the pocketbook is replenished somewhat)......
Yes the car was in pristine condish (as was I) and we arrived in style.
She'll be delighted to know you were asking about the evening.
LOL about "DRIVING LIKE COLIN" -- even Colin doesn't like driving like Colin so Colin doesn't drive like Colin either and Manny knows that the little beggar.
He was just miffed cuz I wouldn't do a smoley burnout in front of his shop the other day..............I told him I would if he'd buy the next set of rubber...
He declined so I left fairly quietly............
I'm going back for some EBC low dust brake pads next week so I'll make the offer again (with camera in hand) -- I'll let you know what happens...
As far as the rest of my driving -- well let's just say I have my share of 'fun'. Mayby not quite as much fun as you younger crowd but enough to keep my ticker ticking over in a healthy fashion .
Sounds like the CEL isn't coming back any time soon. Looks like you've solved the issue (Hopefully) and you'll be back in business. (Do us a favour tho: wait till the fog clears first ok.......We don't want you taring off into someone's wheat field ruining their crop.....

LOL 2000 rpm's -- that Z shouldn't be taunting you, it should be kicking you in the AZZ saying for God sakes Garry hit the skinny pedal .. HARD.........
Just kiddin' about all this -- just have some fun but don't overdo it. Indeed, we rely on that wheat and wouldn't want there to be a shortage in supply.
--or hear that you and your nice ride have been 'impounded' .... 
Oh boy, I'm having too much fun here. Must be that second bottle of wine we got for Marg's b'day........
Cheers or now.