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Good evening Colin and Tony,

Yes, sadly others have told me that the gas cap generates an immediate CEL.  But as always I live in hope.

69 km tonight without the CEl coming on so who knows.

However Tony that is a very interesting experience that you had that I never even considered - could it be a malfunctioning sensor of some kind?  A heck of a better outcome that actually having a legit problem of some kind!  Sadly that will require a trip to the dealer and then a reduction in my bank account but it would solve one real problem I'm having right now..........


Wow, this driving while keeping the engine below 2000 rpm is tough.  It is like the car is taunting me, "WOT, WOT, WOT!  Come on you know you want to!"  And do I ever!

But it is helping me be more responsible.  I think yesterday two cars were racing between Edmonton and Calgary, one the clocked at 214 km/hr, he stopped, his vehile was seized of course and now they are trying to track down the other car........

With a car that can reach 250 km/hr in maybe 18 seconds (?) it doesn't take a loss of focus and WOT in 4th gear to get into that sort of area.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Hope you had a fun b'day party Colin!  Did you get the car all shined up to show her (your wife silly!) off??


