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Swimming was a tremendous amount of fun!  Working on the car did not occur though.  GF came home and I had recieved the draft of our cohabitation agreement from my lawyer.  My ex and I had a pre-nup that we wrote ourselves prior to getting married but silly me was only made aware after she left me that the laws vary provincially on self made pre-nups and in Alberta you need "independent legal advice" for a lawyer to tell you what the document you both wrote just means!  So of course my ex said she had no idea what she had signed etc. so it became an "unenforceable contract" and cost me a ZR1's price in the end.  There's a lesson here people.  So while I don't intend to ever get married again I am getting a lawyer written up cohabitation agreement and my gf and I are getting independent legal advice.  I do tend to learn my lessons and like with the coded reader readily discuss them so others don't have to stumble and fall where I have.  But while I discussed this with my gf prior to her being able to move in and she was fine with it as signature day approaches like last night there were tears and the "you'll never trust me" sobs.  Maintain your course and don't waver.  It is actually protection equally for both partners, basically a "I get nothing from you, you get nothing from me" unless you can prove you paid in cash for it".  No sweat equity.

But I digress.

Yes Colin, I talked with Manny yesterday about the oddity of there being an CEL on but the code reader not showing an error code and he said that there are some error codes that apparently my OBD2 will not download and that I need to take it to a dealer.

So I did disconenct the battery last time to re-set everything and did hook up the wires and double checked the hose clamps and made sure that all the hoses were attached properly and so now it will be a case of starting it up and driving it and seeing if and when the CEL comes on again and then off to the dealer to see what they can tell me on the matter...............

I find these two points of yours most interesting:

"I also believe that some minor issues with the engine can trigger a check engine light but not be serious enough to throw a code.  In this case, as I said, the code won't be there but the light will stay on for several cycles b4 it is allowed to clear.

One more thought that in that scenario of a light being triggered but no Code, I'm thinking it's possible that a code will eventually be triggered and then be present to be read with your reader if no changes are made and the minor issue persists."

So we'll see where it goes from here, hope to do some driving today.........


