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Did you reset the Check engine light with the code reader?

 The reason I ask is that the actual problem may have cleared itself or been fixed,  but the light may take several cycles of - Ignition Off and On, and driving cycles to clear.

 If your reader won't allow code and light clearing I believe disconnecting the battery for a while will clear the light too.

 I also believe that some minor issues with the engine can trigger a check engine light but not be serious enough to throw a code.

 In this case, as I said, the code won't be there but the light will stay on for several cycles b4 it is allowed to clear.

One more thought that in that scenario of a light being triggered but no Code, I'm thinking it's possible that a code will eventually be triggered and then be present to be read with your reader if no changes are made and the minor issue persists.

Just some random thoughts.

