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C130 SAR Training Day at KW Airport


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2011
Cambridge ON
2006 vert, 1994 vert
Shawn Duffy (Major) and his SAR crew on a Hercules C130 is scheduled for a training scenario Wednesday Sept. 4th, about 4pm at KW Airport.
He plans a pass over the airport and a rescue crew drop near Manny's shop at the corner of Woolwich street and Fountain street.
After which he'll land at the airport for fuel and food.

If you've not seen this b4 it's quite a spectacle, so come on out and see this happen and meet the Search and Rescue crew.

As you may be aware, the crew is on duty and may be called at any time for a search, but if they remain free for the day, they'll do the drop tomorrow afternoon as planned.

Hope to see you there....bring your camera.

Check out the link for exact location.,+Breslau,+ON&hl=en&sll=43.402299,-80.332588&sspn=0.104765,0.144539&oq=305+Woolwich+street+B&hnear=305+Woolwich+St+S,+Breslau,+Ontario+N0B+1M0&t=m&z=16
weather looking good.

should be there. Can Manny or Colin get an update from Duff re

eta and more importantly, any change in plan. Leaving ~ 2pm from welland.

Would hate to do another run this week where the objective simply vanished !!


Will phone you Tony if I hear of any change in plans.
Duff will phone either me or Manny with an update.
See you about 4 -- safe travels.

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.....and here are a few pictures of Duffy, his SAR crew, Manny and his crew, and a few 'vettes surrounding the Hercules C130.
Tony, Kathy, Steamer and I were awed by the Hercules -- Steamer and Manny's crew got to witness the SAR team doing a rescue nearby Manny's shop- Sorry. was late to the show (actually Duffy was early since he had a busy schedule today).

Many thanks to Duffy and his team as well as the airport authorities for allowing us on the runway for pics and a tour.

Great pics Colin. Many thanks to Duffy and his crew for the wonderful job they do. My niece's husband was recently rescued by the Hercules after he and some friends drifted around in Georgian Bay for 21 hours. Engine had quit in their 20 foot boat; they drifted from Meaford to north of Cape Croker overnight. The Herc spotted them and the Coast Guard brought them in safe and sound.

Car looks really nice btw.
That's our SAR boys and girls on guard for us constantly --- Kudos to them for sure.

Great job by the team to find your niece's husband.....very cool story Greg.

Rescue !

Case 75 et al,

just for your info, I was the aircraft commander that found that boat - I remember that case, we did it recently, 4 males on a 20 ft seadoo boat that went missing when they did not return for supper. All of them forgot their cell phones on shore so that increased the SAR response time. We are very busy on the great lakes from May 24 until Labour Day but it's a great job - glad I was able to get there today to say hello to a few of you. Dropping my car at Manny's for some work on Sept 19th if any of you are around to say hello.

Great pics as always Colin - see you soon


Thanks again Duff. No paddles on that boat either. And no info left with anyone on shore that they were going out in the boat. No one knew they were missing until morning. Very lucky bunch.

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