Feb 16, 2013
Oxford Mills, On
1981 C3 / 1988 C4
Ok, Big thing in the 80's were the nose bras.....first purchase I did when I bought my 87 Camaro. I like the look, so I bought one for my C4. It is the full nose type, with embroided logo. When I received it, turns out that it requires the velcro to be attached to the car. It also does not have the cut out for the front plate. Has anyone had any experience with these? Thoughts and ideas please. The one I had previously went on with hooks and elastic straps. This is kind of permanent (not a deal breaker) but I am a little apprehensive about putting the velcro on the paint. The nose has a few chips from 25 years of use and the bumper has slightly faded (damn flex agent in the paint). I could always attach the plate to the cover or make some sort of bracket.
I'd just go with a clear bra after painting the bumper.

Te one bra I put n my car in the 90s got totally ruined where the border of the bra was. I won't ever do one of them again. Ganged, I may have been a shitty installer.
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