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Boston Marathon Tragedy.

Feb 15, 2012
2001 Z06
Without getting too political...what the hell is wrong with people?!!!
You have a crowd of innocent people, doing what they love, for charity and some jack@$$ plants bombs?!
I guess I will never fully understand some people. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this.the Boston Marathon has always been a benchmark for runners and now it has been marred by this travesty. Very sad.

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Good morning LSXtasy,

Hard to imagine how striking at a group of runners would further a political cause or be done to make a political statement of some kind.

Of course no one has come forward to take responsibility or to state what their rational might be for something like this so it might just be some really out of whack individual who was just angry at the world about losing his job/wife/way in life rather and a major political statement against the world/US.

But really, are there not enough of the usual targets that a group of runners shouldn't be too high on the list of choice targets?

While the group in Grande Prairie had a run to recognize the tragity, I couldn't make it so did my run this morning instead. Three lives lost (one an 8 year old child?), how many lives ruined and we still don't know for what end.........


I honesty can't believe that they are "people" -- To me they are from Mars.

Condolences to those who died and to those who may still pass on yet, and to those who must carry on from this being severely hurt both physically and mentally.

I live three hours from Boston and we take the train down for a day a couple times a year .We've always felt safe and never had a problem .What hurts most is the killing of an 8 year old , that's barbaric .As a matter of fact the whole incident is barbaric .There we're three teens from Maine that had slight injuries .

One thing that I can say is that the initial reports we're not sensationalized by the media .

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