Just keep in mind that you've paid for that Ferrari...with Alberta retaining the highest dental fees in Canada which started in the now past "oil boom years"...and dentists refusing to follow the "tariff" set by insurers so they extra bill over and above what the insurers pay for and have been doing that for years. The statistical comparisons have shown Albertans pay about 25% (minimum, on average) more than people in the neighbouring Provinces of BC and Saskatchewan. Many Albertans close to the borders go to those Provinces for treatment and I know of friends in Calgary who will drive to BC. Our past NDP government threatened to impose caps on the dental fees but in the end, relented to pressure and the fees went down (?) about 5%. Now with Alberta's change of government back to the Conservatives, I'm not sure what happened to that slight decrease. With its highest fees, many dentists come from outside of Alberta to set up shop. I know of some who purchase exotic cars, have their children schooled in private European boarding schools, work half days on Fridays, set earlier hours and take long vacations overseas. For the vacations, this was of course pre-COVID. With our huge deficit just announced and the oil jobs gone, it'll be interesting to see if people decide their children don't all need "Hollywood smiles" (many children getting perfect teeth alignment with braces and invisalign) or forego dental work.