G Grumpy 427 Member 2 You're 10 Nov 26, 2009 90 0 Regina Saskatchewan VetteCoins 611 Car 1980 coupe Nov 15, 2010 #1 I may be moving to BC, will i need to put the cats back on my 1980 vette? And on my GSXR 1000 sportbike?
I may be moving to BC, will i need to put the cats back on my 1980 vette? And on my GSXR 1000 sportbike?
Riley P Staff member Power User Moderator 2 You're 10 Jan 11, 2009 11,108 1,994 Saska-ba-toon! VetteCoins 15,303 Car 2000 Z51 Province SK Nov 16, 2010 #2 When is this happening? Say it ain't so!
HLN A55 High RPM Poster 2 You're 10 Jan 27, 2009 2,033 8 Sherwood Park VetteCoins 635 Car 2001 Z06 Nov 16, 2010 #3 I think your vette MIGHT be air care exempt. I would just call bC registries... If the sportbile didn't have them in the first place I also think you are ok but if it did... You might be hooped [mob][/mob]
I think your vette MIGHT be air care exempt. I would just call bC registries... If the sportbile didn't have them in the first place I also think you are ok but if it did... You might be hooped [mob][/mob]
07silvervette17 Active Member 2 You're 10 Feb 24, 2009 165 9 bc canada VetteCoins 780 Car corvette silver c6 Jan 16, 2011 #4 only have to aircare on lower mainland around vancouver,victoria.this has been around for years