Feb 16, 2013
Oxford Mills, On
1981 C3 / 1988 C4
I parked next to a yellow C6 today and noticed quite a few bugs on the nose of an otherwise clean car. It reminded me of a m/c road trip where the yellow bike had waaaay more bugs than the other coloured machines. We were not sure if it was the colour or the design that attributed to the abundance of bug guts. :confused:
Do you yellow car owners notice the same thing?
No doubt about it....Yellow attracts bugs.
Last year at the Reif Winery corvette show, my car was covered in bug. no getting rid of them. Then a guy come along and tells me his yellow C5 just down the lot was looking the same way. Then as I walked around, everyone of the yellow cars were fight the little buggers also.
But; I still like yellow. ♥
well I will tell you a story, many moons ago fighting forestfire we looked forward evry year to getting a rookie, why, when they showed up they would buy yellow rain gear, we would laugh our asses of, we would have green or camo. The probie would be our bug zapper as the cloud always followed him!
I personally love the yellow vettes and the attention they get! from everything....people, cops, and bugs lol.....:rofl:
I knew they were attracted to yellow, but think of the reaction time they must have to go towards a speeding vehicle and avoid others around it which was the case with our group of 5 motorcycles. The yellow was riding in the third slot!
If you want to make it easy to get the bugs off afterwards then try a layer of Rejex. I just had mine out for 60 mile run and when I got home I just wiped the bugs off with a damp cloth. Amazing stuff.
Silver seems to attract the bugs too. Any more, I just have a spray bottle of water to mist them down a couple of times, let them sit a bit and they pretty well wipe right off. Don't you just love the ones that splatter on the windshield right in your line of sight. ;)
Rejex is good stuff from all the reports I have seen.
Myself, I am a bit of a Zanio head. This year for the first time I tried their CS (clear seal) This stuff is kind of expensive but you really do not use much if applied properly. Like rejex it can be used on almost all surfaces and sets up solid. Dirt bugs most anything will wash right off with no effort.
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