Anyone in the Edmonton area that would like to show off his/her car to a newbie?

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2015 2LT Z51
Hello, people. This might seem like a strange question, but I was wondering if there is anyone in the Edmonton area that might like to show off their C7, to help familiarize me with the features, etc. I am so green when it comes to these cars that I didn't even know how to get out of the car when the door was closed until a salesman told me about the button on the door. I'm sure there are dozens of things that I need to be made aware of, and I hoped that someone might be kind enough to show me theirs.
Hello, people. This might seem like a strange question, but I was wondering if there is anyone in the Edmonton area that might like to show off their C7, to help familiarize me with the features, etc. I am so green when it comes to these cars that I didn't even know how to get out of the car when the door was closed until a salesman told me about the button on the door. I'm sure there are dozens of things that I need to be made aware of, and I hoped that someone might be kind enough to show me theirs.

Missed me by a day. Just landed in Hong Kong otherwise we could have spent a day going over the car in detail.
Not to fear. There are lots of good guys around YEG that would be happy to give you a C7 tour.
Maybe you can meet up with a few guys with different trim levels and models and get a good idea of the differences first hand.
I understand this is difficult to do at a dealership as many of these clowns don’t actually know much about corvettes.
However there are some really good salesmen too and perhaps someone here can point you to a good one who may actually have the car you want.

Good luck man. Hope you find a great car. You will love the feeling driving it. 👍
Hong Kong! Vacation? I’m in the area but gone till the second week of September. Gladly hook up when I’m back. Love talking cars

Actually work related but the month in my newly acquired house (with pool) in Thailand after this work trip is when the fun really begins. 😂
The Z06 and Hummer are both tucked away until next summer when I’m back for a little visit.
Hopefully you are still corvette cruising when you get back mid September. 👍
Hi I just purchased a 2016 Z06 recently I live about an hour from Edmonton I’m starting to get busy with harvest as I’m a farmer but if you want to chat about what I have learned in my search for the right car that would be great as far as leaning the car give me some time I have barely driven it yet but if your not in a hurry I would be glad to show you mine when I come to Edmonton with it
Hi Dale,
I am in Calgary and should there be a chance you are here, do not hesitate to contact me.
Although I am in Edmonton quite a bit during the Summer, my next visit might still be a few weeks away.
I few Edmonton people that may help are currently on the Corvette Caravan to Kentucky until mid-September.

If you happen to come across a C7 at a Show and Shine, there can be opportunity for a tour if an owner is willing.

I knew nothing of the workings of the C7 until I shopped and purchased one in 2016.
It has been my "bucket list" since for learning more and more which is now just gone above the warranty period.
Best of Fortune to you.

Should you require a "respectful" person in Corvette Sales in Edmonton, do not hesitate to PM me.
I have a couple of people who I can refer you to who know me very well for doing this.
I actually search for helpful & knowledgeable Corvette Salespeople (I honestly am finding few are - especially in my town).
I will say you have an opportunity to obtain awesome C7 pricing right now at the right dealership.
Thanks for the replies, folks. I am free most weekends, so hopefully that would mesh with someone’s schedule. It would be good to be shown the details of these beautiful machines by an actual owner as opposed to a salesman.
Just by chance if you’re in Calgary,I’d gladly show you a C6 in order to see the differences between the C7 if that were your thing.
Wow, thanks for all the replies, folks. You guys are awesome!!

As Bob said yes the owners manuals are a good place to start.
Also I know lots of guys have the big factory book/brochure for their cars. These will show you all the options and trim levels/colours.
I suggest you go to a dealership and ask for some of these. Very possible they have some left from 15-19 cars.
Again... Mr Spence @SN-III may be a great resource to point you in the right direction here. He can do a lot with a phone call and knows the right people to save you a bunch of BS.
I warn you now though... payment may involve wine 🍷. 😂

Enjoy your search Man.
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