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Alpine Helicopters Sling Operations Kananaskis Country

Surprising actually how easy pristine examples of this Russian technological achievement are to find... Drop an LS in this baby Mikey and you got a real sleeper....

Reactions: MikeysZ06
Hey... We all had our moments... Mine was long before the term "ricer" was penned though... I had a 280Z Datsun... Yes... 1976... long before they started calling them to my credit, no fart can though...
I have a stiff lower back and using this is AMAZING....... it works to get rid of a stiff lower back!

I have a twitchy shoulder....

Just for Men for my grey!


I have a lower back support belt I wear sometimes at work but,don't find it necessary all the time. Bridgeland Sport and Spine takes care of those issues pretty good.

As for the grey,I don't mind it.

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