almost ready.

Doug, I wish you all the best. It is going to be quite a thrill to get on it for the first time.

When my friend sold his B/Altered he told the guy to just take an easy pass the first time out. The guy did that but didn't even manage to get out of the car before he threw up at the end of the track. Lesson here? Get out of the car first!! LOL.

Did you get your new trailer?

Have fun, race safe.
the new firewall mounted gas pedal and throttle cable set-up i installed is working pefectly. so much better than the cheapy floor mounted one that always felt like it was on the verge of binding. the old throttle cable looked suspiciously like what you would find on a snowmobile mikuni carb. i'll be treating the picton event as primarily a test'n'tune in preparation to start running in the nostalgia gas series at shannonville this year. a new set of slicks will soon go on as well, m&h racemaster 10.5/30.0/15, plenty of bite. also installed a new 5 pt harness, the old one was out of date and would not pass tech. the car is breathing fire again with fresh 94 and some leaded octane boost.
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