
Staff member
Power User
Jan 11, 2009
It's no secret that CCF offers a very unique, clean and friendly forum experience that we hope you have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy in the future. We are perpetually expanding the already rich feature set of this site.

CCF has been running largely on very generous donations from our members as well as a few sponsors for the last few years. We are very thankful for this.

In the interest of offering our membership added perks and value beyond the boundaries of the forums we are always on the lookout for new sponsors. This would enable CCF to grow by offering CCF Sponsored events, member discounts and many other perks.

If you are a business owner, are affiliated with a business or know of a business that you think may be benefit from sponsoring CCF please let me know or refer them to this site. Unlike other larger automotive forums sponsoring CCF is by orders of magnitude a much more affordable proposition even for small business with many more upsides.

Thanks for reading.

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