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This is the what we are living with. The radical right blame  the radical left and back and forth.

These radical groups are petty, and only see every petty faults of the opposite. They think of their leader as an angel, massiah, the perfect human. They lost the ability to judge things in a unbiased manner.

I and most of us I think has a red line of unacceptable behavior when judging another person. Trump charater/value is one that is unacceptable to me as a person. Someone that I don't want to be associate with or should represent my value to be a leader of a country.

I am consider myself as an "independent". Pence and Hailey has a much more desirable charater then the 47.

I love Canada. I am greatful and respect the Canadian culture as a first generation immigrant. I am so glad that my parents choose Canada as their new home rather then USA more then 40 years ago.
