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Plenty of good Vette business here.

Guess you get riled up when we point out what an idiot DJT is. He is in it for himself to line his pockets. DJT jr was over in Israel last year checking out the beachfront to make sure that the Trump corporation would have first dibs on the land. What was it he said before the election? No more wars but we'll send in the troops to Panama. Doesn't want to send in the troops to Palestine when Nety will do the job for him. DJT jr just has to walk in then to develope the stolen land.

Have you ever noticed that DJT can do no wrong. It is always someone else's fault, Up to now Biden and Obama are his scape goats. The chickens are starting to come home to roost now. Egg prices are up. inflation is up. I believe he said that from day one the price of eggs and inflation were coming down. WELL!

Without wanting to rile you too much, read how Hitler came to power from the 1920's. Errily similar to what DJT is trying to do. Hopefully a few republicans will realize how they are getting duped by him. Bet you he will try for term three in four years or anoint DJT jr for a Trump dynasty.

When you get people saying he was chosen by God to be president something is wrong in their heads

Did Biden weaponize the DOJ? Not proven but DJT sure is doing it.

It's your country. The populace voted him in. You get to live with it now

When he is finished the reputation of the USA will be much diminished. It already is. But he couldn't care less.
