May 31, 2009
hespeler, cambridge
1987 c4
Okay guys now that I have tinkered a bit, with your help, I am feeling bold. Want to remove climate control faceplate and clean contacts. Anyone done that? Looks easy, have the chiton manual. Silly question, it seems clear but doesn't mention how u get the headlight knob off. Does it just pull? Hate to pull too hard on such an old knob in case in breaks. ( pun there somewhere)
When you pull the knob out, you should see a small notch/rectangularish opening on the knob. Fit a small screw driver in the opening and it should release the clip that holds the knob on.
Congratulations Dave - sounds like you need to sit back and relax bythe pool with one of those orange creamsickle girlie drinks you like. lol
There is a definitely some satisfaction in accomplishing a project with positive results and you did several!
Was so inspired I removed dash bezel. Cleaned all the screens and plastic parts. Got climate control unit out but it couldn't be separated to clean contacts. Cleaned outside of unit plus motherboard it plugs into. Put everything back together reconnected battery and voila buttons on climate unit work perfectly like a brand new car. How bout that?
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