2019 GS Oil Filter

The general consensus is to use a name brand, quality filter with a 22 psi bypass rating, which is factory spec. The AC Delco PF64 obviously meets that requirement. Products from Fram, Napa and Wix also meet that spec. It's really a matter of personal choice as long as the filter complies with GM's warranty requirements and the 22 psi bypass rating is extremely important.

The original P/N, 12640445, has been superseded by 12696048 and there is some discussion as to whether the quality is as good as the original. I'm okay with it as it's still a genuine GM part. I'll continue to use the OEM filter through the balance of the powertrain warranty. Not that it matters, it just simplifies things should there ever be a filter related failure.
The M1-113 filters will work fine Al. I used them for several oil change cycles on my GS but I went back to the PF64 because of cost and availability as much as anything else.
So what you are really saying is no refund… :ROFL:
I think that you'd be fine using the M1-113 filters. Mobil products are top quality. However, they do have a lower bypass rating of 12-15 psi compared to the spec 22 psi. Will that cause a problem? No, not under normal driving conditions in above freezing temps given that you are using the correct oil. Could GM deny warranty coverage in the event of a catastrophic engine failure? Possibly but very unlikely. Would I use that filter? No, but, given my automotive techno-mechanical engineering background, I'm so "by the book" I won't take possession of a new vehicle until I've read both owner's and service manuals many times over.

Just a quick question on oil filters for dry sump cars. Is everyone running the OEM PF64? Other options?

I have been running the OEM PF64 filters since new. If the general passed them satisfactory for the Vette engines, then that is good enough for me. If they were sub standard that would result in major engine warranty claims for GM. I believe the important thing to note here is regular oil/filter changes, and more often if your vehicle is tracked or driven hard consistently. I have used a FilterMag and magnetic oil drain plugs on my 2015 Vette since day one, just that extra ounce of protection. I also have saved and labeled with milage and date every single filter that has come off my car since day one in a plastic storage tote. A little bit of obsessive Corvette disorder, but an extra bit defense in case of an engine warranty claim.

You can always go with the GM UPF64R if you want to spend more money. Cheers!
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