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Riley, some have damaged the intake by not putting in the proper valley bolts on install of the FAST.

Since the intake has been optimized for airflow the bottom of the unit is very close to the valley

top plate and the normal socket head screws stick up too high, once you go and tighten it down it

cracks the bottom of the FAST, some guys then JB weld over the holes and fix them up.

To solve the problem you have to use round button head screws so they do not interfere with the

bottom of the FAST intake.

Also with self porting a few people have been known to get a little too aggressive and break though the

inner walls as the thickness can vary so they breakout the JB weld again.

Along with FI applications, or NOS you can blow out an internal section of the unit or the rubber & silicon

that is used to join the 3 pieced unit together after porting.

If you get a crack, leak or bad seating of the FAST on the engine then you will get a vacuum leak and a

bad idle or seeking idle.

To my knowledge the FAST 90/92 fit on the vette, dont know about the Fbody, the new 102LSXr fits the

vette directly I think, there used to be a Spinmoster Mod for a C6 FAST 102 to fit the vette.

This involved removing a chunk of the back end on the manifold to get under the hood cowl.

I think thats right, Manny can chime in here if wrong.

As for the injectors you can use one of the internet sizing programs or read the charts below, dont think you

should run the injectors on a duty more then 80%, so if you go over then move to a higher flow injector.

Injector Sizing Program.

RC Fuel Injection

Fuel Injector Flow Program.

Corvette Action Center | Tech Center | Toolbox Calculators | Fuel Injector Flow Calculator

Injector Charts.
