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Recent content by Jeffer2013

  1. J

    New Garage Flooring

    go to their website ordering direct is best cheaper better service and direct delivery usually to your door they are who I would use and will once the stars line up and I get more time this fall from renovations
  2. J

    New Garage Flooring

    U R now home looks nice my friend good to see you last sunday does your wife contract out her skills? pretending to ask for a friend this fall or next spring I am doing my garage with this stuff you can choose your pattern with this stuff as well
  3. J

    New Stance SF10’s in dual gunmetal !!! Loving the new look.

    one of the only rims I like on the c8 thanks
  4. J

    Coupe or Convertible, if you've had both and were going to order again?

    what is the second trunk about
  5. J

    Fuel Economy

    welllllllll in those tests the driver actually pushes the gas pedal just sayin yea we get almost 40 mpg at times yea we speak in mpg as we are also older and can remember actual MILAGE data
  6. J

    what do you want for Father’s Day this year

    a day with no traffic on the hiways
  7. J

    Coupe or Convertible, if you've had both and were going to order again?

    thanks carbuff I agree with a lot of your concerns
  8. J

    Just Trying to Protect My Ride...

    I even park my truck at the end to protect it from the door bashers
  9. J

    Brand new Stingray with non functioning air conditioning?

    had a f150 where they only filled the refrigerant levels a bit and,would not work after visiting the dealership 3 times I insisted they fix it or take the new vehicle and put it where the sun don’t shine the service manager came over and after listening to me he said check the vin apparent,y...
  10. J

    Brought home my new baby...

  11. J

    Ponoka Alberta Meet and Greet - May 6th, 2023

    1,884 quarters of land is the hectares comversion most know what a quarter section is but not necesssarily hectares
  12. J

    Has Anyone Taken There C8 On The Ferry?

    depending on the date a few of us could meet up with you for a coffee ps your buying
  13. J

    Has Anyone Taken There C8 On The Ferry?

    yep 4 times last year easy peasy but I used the lift just in case
  14. J

    Ponoka Alberta Meet and Greet - May 6th, 2023

    just show up it is a go
  15. J

    Request need insurance company who offers 1g deductible

    they now are telling me it is a 5 grand deductible for collision and are refusing to look elsewhere saying it is the same everywhere car is a 2022 c8 msrp just over 104 grand any insurance companies still offering a grand deductible out,there?